Sunday, May 4, 2014

It's kind of May 3rd..?

Wah wah wah it's so hard to write every day. 

I had every intention of writing last night but I got a teeny bit too celebratory and tried to show off what a huge Thunder fan I was by drinking vodka until I stopped making awesome decisions. 

Thankfully most of these bad decisions were limited to mouthing off to husband with one t, who would just laugh at me and ask me to repeat myself so he could then laugh some more. 

Thankfully I was able to get a waffle, some retail therapy, and a good hair day to cure my morning regret. Adrian stepped up to rock Collins to sleep,  which makes me feel like I am not a complete failure of a parent. Isn't he sweet? 

Also, he looked really cool when we left for hangover brunch today. Isn't he the cutest? 

The kids also decided today that they needed a swimming pool, so they decided to make a Bangladesh-Style swimming pool in the backyard. 

Here's another really cute pic of him and Ellis at the park yesterday. 

Go Thunder! It's their vault I had vodka times three. Here's a text I sent Kendal last night. Enjoy and I'll see you tomorrow! 


  1. Hahahaha - adorable pictures!!!

  2. "I want to frame this." And those swimming pools are the bomb! Until they run out of air.

