Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Big Hipped Mary-Haters

Most weekends of mine consist of Dateline and pancakes.

But my favorite Matthew (brother) (with two t's) was in town from Ecuador and I was gonna take him to drink some booze and meet some hotties with bodies.

Husband with one T's younger brother, Spencer, came out with us, too. He's gay. Yay! And super fun. He said, as we were leaving, "I'm the only gay one, right? I don't want to have to fight for all the gay attention."

Spencer and I are driving to pick up my brother from my parent's house. My parents live in a family-oriented neighborhood with the word "Farms" in it, even though there are no farms nearby to speak of. A long stretch of the neighborhood road is upon me, and I am happily driving along and thinking about how fun I am. I notice an ugly and probably sexually inactive mother of three, walking with her children. She turns suddenly and shouts something at my car and raises her arm in the air like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons.

I immediately have become concerned that perhaps her hips had exploded. Maybe her kids had an "I'm ugly" stroke or something and she needs to use my cell phone. I stop beside her and roll down the passender side window, leaning over the console to have a sweet conversation.

I wasn't even speeding.

Story tomorrow about a big-hipped Mary-Lover from the same night!


  1. Hahahahaha! Love the drawings!!

  2. Mary are you in a wheelchair?
    That lady has a runaway eyebrow-
    By the way, someone gave me a blog award and told me to pass it on, so you're one of those I passed on! It is at www.gweenbrick.com and you can pick it up anytime.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I had to remove the last comment because it was a double post by accident of the first comment, don't know how that happened but now it just says 'comment removed' so it looks like I wrote something and than thought better of it, when really i didn't, in fact I don't even know how to think better of something unless I learn more positive information about it.So...um...hi there.....(crickets)(background noises of faraway dog barking)....(man vomiting)....(comment looking for graceful exit)...

  5. Jrose, I'm a big-hipped blarg lover!

    Esboston, thank you. I really wanted to be accurately portrayed as as peaceful as I am.

    Mom- thank you. If you see her, please shout one of the other insults Dad came up with at her.

    Gweenbrick- You're so attentive! My husband doesn't leave me 3 comments, intentionally or not! Thanks for the plug.
