Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Semi-sensationlism

I'm not feeling very sensational today. Lately, every time I want to blog, I end up reading about Lizzie Borden or Boy A from Japan. or Jesus. Or I read blogs about candy corn with twice as many followers as me and then I want to hammer my face with a....hammer.

The things I would normally tell you about, my favorites, seem annoying and clingy today. Like myself. I'm like a static sheet rubbed on a balloon and affixed to a towel on a hot day. Injected with lethal amounts of crazy.

My favorite candy is Starbursts. But Starbursts are upsetting me today. They're all "eat a lot of me and then go take a nap."

So I listen to my clingy favorite and right before the starburst dies in my throat, it has to be a dick one last time and hurt my teeth.

My least favorite things today are America and Bit O Honey. If either of my kids get ONE PIECE of Bit o Honey in their Halloween buckets I am going to march to that house and force them to eat Capn Crunch Berries until they get at least 5 canker sores on the roof of their mouth.

P.s. My kids are all right.

Just TRY to give me a Bit O Honey


  1. Your kids are adorable, and lethal looking. You should go do NaNoBloPoHoHo in November. They give you nice, innocuous prompts like, "An ordinary moment I cherish is..." and then you can turn it into a story about the time you set your eyebrows on fire lighting a cigarette off the electric stove. That's what I'm going to do. That, or start a blog about candy corn.

  2. Hahaha! So funny even if it is short Saturday! The kids look adorable - they better come to our house so I can take some pictures!! Sorry the Starburts are unfufilling today - I know how you love them.

  3. I spelled "unfulfilling" wrong - please excuse it Ms Grammar!

  4. I'll take their Bit O Honey's. I'm poor so those are a treat for me. =P

  5. squeeze[({})]azaanbs

    There, I sent you a virtual hug, hope you are feeling better now!

    (for special dramatic visual effect I used a zero between the y and u to make it look like an o was getting deformed by pressure. The word 'azaanbs' is 'squeeze' rotated 180 degrees, you'll have to stand on your head to read it. Or bend over sideways, your choice.)

  6. Drats! It messed up! My browser shows the word y0u in the middle of the squeezes is MISSING.

  7. Oh, I bet it got messed up by use of 'greater than' and 'less than' symbols, it uses those to interpret html formating.

  8. Oh my gosh! I absolutely did NOT mean that at alllll, I never write things beyond a G rating!!!!! It was originally a bracket then a parenthesis then a { then a less than sign with the word y0u and then reverse the symbols to the opposite direction! I meant absolutely nothing beyond a hug 'cause you seemed like you needed one desparately. I'm really a very nice considerate person, honest, I hope you have figured that out by now through my comments past, a Southern gentleman to the nth degree. The comment interpreter in Blogger uses less than and greater than signs to allow you to make slight modifications with HTML tags in your comments, like bold, italics, and those use the greater than and less than symbols, so obviously my y0u inside those must translate to nothing visible in a browser window.

  9. Boston I know! I just thought it was funny that it worked out to look that way. I was in no way offended and know you are a perfect gentleman and always attentive to my blog. You're one of my favorites!

  10. Ah, you are kind, hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Mine is somewhat slow, recovering from too much strenuous work on one particular day, ugh. I think I moved one piece of furniture too many. But we are excited for my daughter-in-law who is finishing up pharmacy school very soon. Pharmacy school is much harder and longer than I imagined that it needed to be, and I'm a chemist by degree.

  11. I'll trade you my Starbursts for your Almond Joys? So looking forward to some Almond Joys....

  12. I am a PayDay person. I have even converted my wife to them.

  13. Kelly: what is the "NaNoBloPoHoHo" - I googled that but couldn't find anything.

  14. I was able to find the NaNoWriMo,
    but the NaNoBloPoHoHo
    was a search engine no show
    so maybe Kelly can tell us where to go,
    to find it.

  15. I couldn't remember exactly what it was, so I made it up. I try not to let things like "facts" get in the way of running my mouth. It's NaBloPoMo, National Blog Posting Month - a blog post a day. Kind of like NaNoWriMo, but with less parameters and stress and shit. Good luck, Mary!

  16. Kelly: LOL - "facts get in the way", hah, I am enjoying your blog, been reading through it for the last couple of hours.

    I am sure I could force myself to write at least something every day, but I generally don't operate that way with blogging. I look at each rough draft I am working on and ask myself the question, "do I want this in my permanent collection?" - because I don't plan to ever remove anything except typos. I have had a couple months where I've done around twenty, so that is about 2/3 of a post per day. But those are most prolific time periods, not my norm. But I am reading far more blogs now (in the past few months) than in the past because I finally discovered how to find people I like to read by test driving the people who read the current blogs that I like.
