Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I'm frequently reminding myself of what not to do.

Don't cry.

Don't smile with your eyes.

Don't be fake.

Don't cook meat that's been expired for 9 days.

Don't say words like shitcake.

In fact, every morning I take a handful of don't.

1. Don't get weak legs? (I have no idea what the hell b12 does. Good luck finding that answer, too. Apparently it does EVERYTHING and if you stop taking it, you'll turn into a lameass and die.)

2. Don't gain weight.

3. Don't let things get all flammatory up in the muscles.

4. Don't be crazy.

5. Don't have an accidental babykins.

Number five is the most important. I'm reminded of this today as I'm about to google, "Why do fish change colors?" Our fish didn't take pill number five and had a bunch of little bastard children in our pond. Not only do the big fish not care about their unplanned family, they continuously knock them out of the way to get one more piece of dried flaky goodness. One of them is so depressed and lacking in family and social development, that it turned black and is now turning white again.

So, I was googling this question, and google reminded me of the last few times I had started a question with "Why"

I remember the day I googled this. I apparently could not think of a respectable and classy way to ask google why Ellis was plotting against me. The results were not few, either.  Evidently a lot of parents are fed up with their offspring being selfish little fun-haters with no regard.

Mary. Don't call your kid an asshole.


  1. This made my 12 hour work day MUCH funnier. You are hilarious.

  2. Your arrangement of pills in the photograph made me think of the Braille that I saw on the signs at the church all day today while attending a funeral, partly in Oklahoma, the rest in Texas. I wonder if your pills are close to making a word?

  3. Dammit. You just stole my thunder for my Vicodin blog for tomorrow. Oh well - funny funny stuff you got here. Marianne

  4. I am taking the shitcake word as you are giving it up. It feels wonderful rolling off the tongue. And explains where all the shitballs come from. Thank you.

  5. I KNEW my kids were plotting against me. Apparently google knows it as well.

    DON'T piss off your offspring! Oh wait, it's too late.

  6. Forgot to say, great post by the way. Had me laughing out loud!

  7. mary, brilliant,as always. can you have a non-funny day, please? you're giving me a complex.


  8. Hahaha I love this. The other day I was googling where something was and the first thing that came up was "where is Chuck Norris?" Obviously that is the more pressing matter.
