Thursday, January 19, 2012

Let's Passive Aggressive play!

Today is a great day to post about my pet peeves, because I am a grumpy little bitch.

Passive aggressive facebooking: In itself, this is annoying enough to destroy anything else in the world that may be pleasurable.

Jessica Whinesalot "...has done what she can but sigh boo hiss moan, it is never enough. Done with all the negative people"

                              Mindy Gullibleface  "yeah, girl. Don't you worry about her, she's an ugly bitch with a  saggy ass anyway. Keep your head up. See you at church on Sunday! 'he who walks in the light of the Lord shall never throw bitchy stones at glass houses' Luke 46:1"

                              John Likesanyreasontotalktohotgirls  "Who is messing with you? I'll beat her up if you give me a chance to have sex with you. =) Just kidding, sweetie. But seriously, call me if you need me for anything. I'll drop elbows and penises for you."

                              Jessica Whinesalot "hahahaa John you're SO funny. No big deal, just some people seem to think it's be mean to Jessica day. No one specific. I don't want to go in more detail about it because it's kind of personal. =) But thanks for all your support loveys!"

                             Sally Pronoun She is so horrible and he doesn't know anything about anything! They just like to bring people like you and her down when they get pissed off about the fact that you aren't hanging out with them at their place anymore. Oh and don't even get me started on her sister! She has so much nerve to say what she said about you and her. And he is such a player-hater. We need to meet up and have coffee and judgment soon, because I have to tell you about what he's been doing to me lately.

                             Julie Insidejoke   Jess just remember that the bull always comes before the balls! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha. Love ya beeyatch!

                            Jessica Whinesalot:  Whoa @Sally, didn't mean to get you all fired up! I just don't understand. Why does everything seem to go well and then everyone turns on me. =(  @Julie girl you know it all too well in "magicland"! hahahahahaa oh my gosh we have too much fun after 2 many!

                           Christy Paranoid: WTF, Jess, really?!?!?!

                            Jessica Whinesalot: Really, what?!?!

                           Christy Paranoid: Typical. All because I accidentally had diarrhea on your puppy that one time.

                            Jessica Whinesalot: "Through the eyes of our children we shall be one and peaceful" All that's important is taking care of my daughter and myself! No more negativity! I shall prosper and thine self be true! I'm still posting and making quotes about the stuff I just said I wasn't going to let bother me! Somehow I keep typing about it!

                           Karly Twelveyearoldcousin: Wuz wrong cuz? :(  <3   -------@ 

What's even more pet peevish to me is how I frequently have the urge to "vaguebook" or take out my passive aggressiveness on my Facebook friends. If Husband with one T makes me sad, I will type a status like "I'm so tired of being the only one who CARES!" Or something else equally dramatic. But then I delete it and change my mind.So I pretty much am annoyed by something I myself am guilty of. I'm just enough of a poser that I fake it.

My other pet peeve is posers.



  1. I've got a friend named Al whose pet peeve is the phrase "pet peeve". I have a lot of fun with that.alot.

  2. That which bothers us the most in others bothers us the most in us, which is why I hate people who shit on puppies.

    p.s. I can't believe you would post about that. LMAO

  3. Dang! And I thought I was deep in a funk. Yeah, well not so much. :)
    I do hate winter though and I'm blaming your mood on it, as well.

  4. This was a great post, honest, to the core emotion. I have to admit, some of the above hits a note with me on occasion too. I just avoid the social networking when I feel like I might bite... OR use the wonderful "status" program that lets me warn em... heh!

  5. Oh, this is exactly why my eyes roll constantly as I'm reading my facebook wall. Way too much whining and not near enough doing something to change! One of my stepsons is the worst. I texted him one time that if he wanted his life to be better, he needed to get off his butt and do something about it already. All that whining on facebook wasn't about to change anything.

  6. but isn't that why facebook exists? to make it possible for every person you've ever met to tell you every stupid little thought that goes through their mind?

  7. You nailed it. AND made me laugh. Thank you and bless you (I'm feeling a little Jesus-y myself today).

  8. Jeez. I was wondering if you and I had some friends in common.

  9. Love love love the term "vaguebook," never heard that before. I am one of the only humans not on Facebook. I am also not on twitter. I do not even have an iPhone. Obviously my life sucks, and I am going to go in the backyard now and milk some goats. (*really goes into living room to watch Top Chef*)


  10. You are so funny! This is one of my new favorite posts of yours!

  11. Dang, just walked into the online flight attendant break room. I'm backing up, closing the door and running, running ...

  12. LOL...i LOVE your.................SPUNK

  13. Somehow I feel like I've read that conversation on Facebook before. I love the one person at the end who jumps in way too late. Nice realistic touch.

  14. I loved Sally Pronoun - I kept re-reading it to see exactly how many pronouns she actually used! Hilarious as always!!

  15. Jessica is on my friends' list, but she's using an alias.

  16. Oh my goodness! You are hilarious! I know a lot of Mindy's...

  17. Hey Mary, let's meet up and have coffee and judgment soon. You kill me (but in, like, a really good way)

    Ally :-)
