Thursday, February 2, 2012

Inappropriately Medically Necessary

Dear United Healthcare,

Hi! We paid you $7,521 last year. Isn't that cute?

Doing some research into your company, I see that you've had quite a few scandals in the last decade. What?!? How shocking! I can only find dirt on how you screwed your stockholders. Well, while screwing anyone isn't completely nice, you gotta feed the kids, right? Them rich babies need diapers and college, too.

I would like to edit some of the articles regarding you and tell them that the fact that you backdated some stock options isn't nearly as awesome as the fact that you won't pay for my Ambien.

My brain is like that of one of those ugly people on intervention whenever I try to sleep. In fact, I dread going to sleep because of the psychotic and analytical thoughts that cloud the back of my eyeballs. It's like those thoughts are the Indians and a good night's rest is the U.S. Seventh Cavalry; every time I close my eyes to try to sleep, they have the Battle of Little Bighorn.

In case you don't know about History, Dr. McGuire*,  because you're busy spending the $1 of every $700 spent on Healthcare in our country, the Indians kicked the absolute shit out of Custer and his boys**. As my thoughts pummel any chance of a decent night's rest.

It costs $42. FORTY TWO DOLLARS. Really? You only want to cover every third month of them because you don't think they're medically necessary?

Guess what I don't think is medically necessary? Crack. Donuts. Diamonds. Calculators. Prostitutes. Nutella. Nicolas Cage. Extended car warranties.

I really could just keep going on because it's really fun to just type stuff that doesn't make any sense.

Sleep? It's necessary. I only want one pill a day. I don't want to sell them on my kid's playground. I don't want to crush them up with pixie sticks and Comet and snort them. Actually. That sounds fucking awful.

Know what doesn't sound awful? Sleep.

Know what shouldn't sound awful to you?


Then you can take the remainder and buy all the other stuff that I want but can't buy. Just to spite me. That way,  you are still a giant assmonkey and you continue to win! Like a mattress topper that shoots cool water under you to keep you at 42 degrees all night. It's only $400. After that, you still have a couple of vacations and a few MRI's left in your Mat-funded shopping spree.

Oh and last but not least, THANK YOU for donating that rare butterfly collection worth 41 million to the University of Florida in 2009. As much as I love Tim Tebow and all his silly Jesus antics, I shall sleep sounder tonight just knowing such a collection was close to him.



* I am aware the Dr. McGuire was forced to resign and there is a new CEO. But he doesn't have anything to slander, and positivity is NOT FUN.

**I may or may not have had to call my husband for this analogy.


  1. love this.

    ps--hope you are sleeping better!

  2. I think you said everything I think about big business, drug companies etc pretty perfectly, and with humour which never goes amiss :o)

  3. Damn, I do adore you. I hate the effers at Blue Cross for they are every bit as evil as the United Healthcare folks and they're the ones cashing our checks. Now I want to blog about my disdain for them, but instead of funny and cool, mine would likely come off Unabomberish. Maybe I'd be best to skip that particular topic.

  4. Wonderful!!! This is my favorite rant today! Go get 'em... I'll be the cheering section...

  5. Best rant I've read in a long time! They do like to take our money and give us next to nothing in return don't they?

  6. I hope they give you your Ambien so you can fall asleep and have weird dreams about the Battle of Little Bighorn and then write funny blog posts about the weird dreams. Maybe you could tell them the Ambien is work-related!

  7. awesome! so true. your thoughts just fell onto the page. good write.

  8. There is little in my life that I dislike as much as I dislike insurance. ALL insurance. At age 62 and a 73 year old husband just imagine the $ we have paid in house, car, health, death and loan insurance to date. With the exception of the death (they call it life, but you have to die to collect, so...), none of those were things we chose to buy. We were either 'given' them as a benefit or forced to buy them by law or bank regulation.
    Since now our vehicles are paid for we are only required to carry coverage for anyone we hurt or damage, that's a little break, but still pisses me off big time!
    I would much prefer to just deposit the premium amount into MY OWN account each payday and pay my own way. I would prefer my husbands employer do the same, deposit the premium payment into our account for health care and we would be fine with paying our own way.
    We could never collect even a small percentage of what we have paid for any of those coverages even with total devastation.
    Then on the rare, and I do mean rare, situation where I have filed a claim, I have yet to just be given what I had coming. There are questions and bargaining and arguing and eventually compromise. COMPROMISE when I am asking for exactly what the policy says I am paying to have! UGH
    So now, I am pissed again and now I need a glass of wine. Hey, maybe that's why I don't often USE my health insurance coverage! ♥

  9. If you really want to get hacked off, just look into how much your employer paid in premiums, in addition to your $7,000. And those effers still won't cover your meds. But they will cover their own prescription for Cialis or whatever crap it is that those old coots need to get it up.
    Plus, I love you and your tantrums.
