Saturday, February 11, 2012


When I was almost sixteen, my parents took my brother and I where I had always wanted to go....

Guthrie, Oklahoma!

Just kidding. That was always a joke my Dad would tell us when we whined about wanting to know where we were going on vacation.

"Guthrie, kids! It's only 20 minutes away and it has a bunch of beautiful old buildings and a donut shop!"

They took us on a vacation every year, until we graduated from high school. It definitely has a lot to do with why none of us ended up wearing all black and hating smiles.

If I remember right, our flights to Hawaii were paid for because the previous year we took 3 or 4 bumps on our flight from New York City in exchange for a ton of super fun vouchers. I think that added to the awesomeness of our trip; our parents were relaxed and drinking pina coladas like they(the drinks) were virgins and they didn't cost $7.50 a piece.

We went to a luau which was pretty funny. When my mom took a picture with the hula guy, my Dad whispered to me and my brother, "Is he smiling that big because he has such a big package?"

 hahahahahaha. Oh, Dad. Making fun of the hula boy's genitals. No wonder I'm so awesome.

They let us come up on the stage to learn to do the hula. Looking at these pictures, I think/hope the reason I went up to the stage was to show off my amazing sixteen year old legs and ass. Get it, 1999 Mary! 

One of the best conversations of my life happened that night:

Dad: You sure are a perfect singer, Mary

Matthew: Yay let's talk about how awesome Mary is!

Dad: I don't know where you got that voice, but it sure is incredible.

Mom: I know where she got it. I can carry a tune pretttttttty well.

Mary and Matthew: (snorting with laughter)

Mom: What? I can! I can! She got her singing ability from me!


Dad: Kids, no laughing at your mother when she's telling you how talented she is.

It's been 13 years since we went on that trip, and that line still gets said at least once or twice a year.

I've been thinking a lot about those vacations. Now that Ellis is finally in the clear from her doctor we can go on vacations to other places than San Antonio! So this year we decided on....


Me and the Dad in Disneyworld in 2004. Okay, maybe more like 1988.

The bad thing about Disneyland is that it's in California, where everyone is hot and sexy and does drugs. We want to be at least 2 of those things before we go in 90 days.

We can't have Ellis writing down her memories of this trip in 20 years and have them include that mama looked like Rosie Odonnell in the pink teacups....

One last picture of me looking young and carefree.

My mother reminded me that everyone called me "your majesty" on this trip. hahahah


  1. Loved our family vacations and when you call me to find pictures for your blog I get to re-live them all over again! Take lots of pictures on your family vacations and then give them to me so you won't lose them - hahaha!

  2. Are you seriously going to Disneyland????? I was thinking of the same exact freaking thing since Bup moved back to LA!!!!! Making it a Universal Studios, Disneyland, Sea World trip in Cali this summer!!!

  3. we are planning to go to disneyworld soon too. we feel like we have a very small window of time before the kids start acting like they are way smarter than us (whoops--too late! window closed!), so we wanna take them to ride on space mountain and all that disney-ish kind of fun while they are still innocent and kind and not all self-centered and disinterested bratty teenagers.

    see, brilliant mind think alike!


  4. Love the family pictures, no wonder you turned out so rad. I love Disneyland. One time when we went, the kid in front of me on the shuttle van threw up, and the driver wouldn't let us roll the windows down, and it was the middle of summer, and everyone started getting faint and dry heaving. So much fun, I think I should go write about that.

  5. Your family is awesome. Just reading this made me feel all warm and fuzzy and jealous on the inside.

  6. your parents sound fun and funny! you look all cute and tan in that last picture.

  7. I just sang Adele's Rollin' in the Deep and I think I can say that you definitely got your voice from me! ;)

  8. There is a little sumpin' for you at

  9. Hahahahahaahaha^^^^I love your Mom's comment above! Also, 2004? Really? LIES.

  10. You know, my dad always said I got my good looks from my mother because he still had his .... maybe this explains how you got your mom's singing ability?
