Thursday, March 1, 2012

Daughter of the decade, except for '98

The fact that I have a blog entitled Just Inappropriate is pretty indicative of my openness about my personal life. I can only hope that my kids are as open and honest about everything as I was/am. My poor parents probably got a lot more than they wanted to hear.

Mom: Hey, 15 year old Mary. What are you and your boyfriend going to do tonight?

Mary: Probably go to church. I really wish we were going to have sex in a field, though. Damn you and your moral-instilling parenting love.

Mom: Good morning, 16 year old Mary. Where's your friend Kendal, is she still asleep?

Mary: Yes, but we snuck out of the window last night and talked to boys in the driveway.

Dad: How was your day?

Mary: There's a girl that says she's going to punch me, so I've been crying in the bathroom a lot.

Dad: Well, stand up. Let me show you how to punch her back. She may start the fight but you'll finish it.

Mom and Dad: We think you don't have a boyfriend because the boys are just intimidated by you because you're so pretty.

Mary: I don't have a boyfriend because I listen to show tunes and don't wear a supportive bra.

Mom: Your teacher, Mrs. Licthenhitler just called and said you skipped class today.

Mary: SHE JUST HATES ME BECAUSE I'M PRETTIER THAN HER! (sob sob sob sob cry)..................(sob sob sob).......................sniffle sniffle..... Okay. I went to the bagel shop with Greer.

I can remember on more than one occasion being super pissed off at my mom. She was SO SELFISH FOR MAKING ME GO TO SCHOOL WHEN I TOLD HER I WAS SICK. I would get out of her car and SLAM the door shut without a backwards look to her neglectful face.

2 hours later I have snuck out of class and gone to the payphone.

Mary: Mom. Hey. Sorry I slammed the door shut and didn't say bye. I'm not really sick, you were right. Are you okay?

I think the one and only time my parents didn't love me was on Oscar night, 1998.

I was 14 years old and has just gotten back from a free ski trip with one of my many fortunate friends, Kendal.

I turned on the water in the bathroom to wash my face, when I realized my face wash was still in my suitcase from my ski trip. I ran to my room to retrieve it when my phone rang. My land line.God I'm old.

Anyway, I laid down on my bed and talked to Maggie about N Sync, Mavi jeans, and Tyler Scheller until we had nothing else to gab about. I honestly can't say how long that was because back then, teenager talk just flew by. It was probably somewhere between 1 and 3 hours.  

After this socialization, I wanted some more attention. I decided to get on Facebook. I mean, America Online. Maybe I would have mail from someone or maybe someone would want to chat this up? I waited for the squealing of the internet modem and once I was connected I commenced stalking and typing for upwards of perhaps 1 hour.

My mom called out to me to come watch the Oscars in the living room with the family. I turned off the computer (GOODBYE) (that was in the super robotic American Online man voice). I swung my legs around and put them down on the floor to walk to the living room.


That's weird. Why is there water under the carpet? Did I spill something?


I ran to the bathroom, which was three rooms away. THREE ROOMS. Every step I made made a new puddle in the carpet.

I don't have to tell my parents. I'll just clean it up with these towels.

I open the drawer and the towels were floating in water. I had left the bathroom faucet running with the plug down for 4 hours. Water had flowed from the sink to the bathroom floor, through the hallway, flooded my bedroom and the computer room. I ran to my parent's bathroom to get towels and as I came back I saw my Mother standing at the end of the hallway.

Mary: It's okay, Mom. We don't have to tell Dad. Let's just clean it up.

My mother didn't say a word. She went back out to living room where the family was laughing, high-fiving, and just enjoying their wholesome evening of movie awards. She gave my father a look. The look said:

You're going to need to take the next two days off to get a crew out here to clean this up. You're going to need to replace the carpet in three bedrooms. You're going to have to go buy a new computer desk. You're going to try to salvage the carpet pad, but dejectedly give up and take another day off work to wait for the carpet people again. Your daughter is crying in the fetal position in her bedroom. You must still love her.

I'm not sure what the total damage was to the house, or to my parents love for me.

Mom and Dad, I hope I made up for it by not doing drugs and staying off the pole.


  1. I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU!!!!!! but i beat you by putting the dog to sleep AND flooding the whole house IN the same weekend!!!

    1. Okay, I am still sad that you had to go through that. And the flood was not caused by you leaving a faucet running. The flood was just worst this time (the whole house) because you had to put your our cute dog to sleep and didn't have to come over to the house anymore to let him out. Water pouring out from under the garage was quite a sight I am sure when the neighbors called you to come over and check it out! You would think the inside of my house would be cleaner since it has been "well washed" two times in the past 15 years!

  2. You're making me miss the good ole North days, AOL dial up, and talking to boys in the driveway.

    Also do you know where I can sign your parents up for saintdom? Perhaps a 1-800 Pope number?

  3. This is Lisa (McCoy) Pittman, and I was working in home health with your mom when this happened.....I remember thinking how AWFUL that flood was, and shaking my head thinking that I was the only one who had teenagers that put me through the ringer! Your mom always was very matter of fact about it and never seemed to get worked up about her teenagers shenanigans! I LOVE reading your blog, it is HILAREAL!! :-)

  4. i totally knew what you meant when you wrote "GOODBYE".
    four hours is a long dang time to leave a faucet running without anyone hearing it! i believe my parents would have made me pay all of the money i made from babysitting for the next couple years to help make up for the cost of fixing that huge soggy mess.

  5. Gosh darn Mary Mary, that was a really big mess. My folks would have killed me and told everyone I ran away.

  6. It is interesting how funny something is that happened almost 15 years ago. Dad and I still laugh and talk about the time "Mary left the faucet running for several hours". Aother idea for a blog is how we were lucky the house never burned down by the number of times you left your plugged in and hot curling iron lying on the carpeted floor in your bedroom. Good times, good times. Love you! Mom

  7. Wow...i just never seems like there could be that much water from the faucet...or love in the world to forgive it! :) great story!

  8. Whoops...forgot to mention how funny the opening conversation exchanges were!

  9. You should have just blamed it on the Wet Bandits from Home Alone.

    Oh the days of connecting to America Online via dialup. When getting onto the internet was a production in itself.

  10. Remember when you left my gas stove on and made me promise not to tell Mat so he would want to marry you?

    I love stories about you being ADD. Don't ever take Ritalin.

  11. you are the best writer EVER. better than me. *goes to crawl in hole*


  12. Water? They should have been glad, no thankful, that you didn't turn on the gasoline spigot.

  13. Oh. My. I shouldn't laugh, but I LOVE this story! Your poor parents... and poor teenage you, for that matter! Thanks for sharing and starting my day off with a laugh. :)

  14. Love it. Also, I kind of feel old. And fear the day when my 4 kids are all teenagers at the same time. I hope I can be as cool as your Mom when the time comes!
