Monday, March 19, 2012

Five things I wish I didn't love so much.

1. The peppermints that my receptionist has at her desk.

I know for a fact I have multiple untreated cavities in my sad little mouth. For the most part, it ain't no thang. If I get a snack from Sonic and they put that shitty little starlight mint in the bag, I can laugh at their presumptuousness and then kick the carhop in the mouth. But if you give me an IHOP mint, or any other mint that has that sugary melty feature, I cave. I hope you know what I mean by the melty feature. Then I crunch on it and let the melty minty feelings soak into the holes of decay in my teeth and give me cheek aches for the rest of the day. It's like loving a man who starts out making sweet love to you but abruptly stops and starts giving you paper cuts on the webbing of your fingers instead.

2. Tuna.

OMG I want this shirt

Tuna and miracle whip and wheat thins are a delicious snack. But I don't eat them in front of ANYONE. Especially not someone who is physically attracted to me. Like, my husband. Hopefully.  In fact, when he got home unannounced early one day and I had a bowl and was going to town on some stinky fish mash, I felt like I had gotten caught with two underage hookers. I tried to garbage disposal up the bowl and immediately brushed my teeth of the evidence. Why can classy girls eat salmon but not tuna mashed up with mayonnaise? It's so delicious but so unbelievably disgusting. The few times I have eaten it outside of my parents' house (they don't count because they love me no matter how much vagina-smelling food I eat) I have just thrown the bowl immediately in the dumpster because it's not even worth cleaning up.

3. The Bad Girls Club on Oxygen.

All Reality TV is pretty humiliating to admit to loving. But the Bad Girls Club is on a whole new level of kill yourself. There is absolutely no point to the show. There's no challenge and no prize. There is no popularity contest or voting anybody off. It's a bunch of train wreck trashy girls who drink until they throw up and end the night by either making out with each other or pulling out a weave. I never watch it the night it comes on, but I do DVR it so I can justify it later in the week when there's "nothing else on." Really, Mary? Why don't you watch a parenting DVD or a documentary on polar bears? Contribute something to the world other than yelling "Awwwww that's a bad bitch right there!"

4. Wikipedia.

This is what is making my face look like it belongs on a sharpei on Medicare. I stay up late every night wikiing. I just made up that word. Feel free to use it if you'd like. I start with the random front page article, then I click on blue words to learn more about things like cork and the Sentinalese. Then most of the things I read I get excited about, but can't recall them the next day because I take sleeping pills and don't remember anything from 8 PM on. Which ends up being rough on my world since I don't actually go to sleep until midnight. Click here if you forgot about my ambien mishaps.

5. The smell of Laundry Detergent and fabric softener.

I have realized this problem in the last month. Somehow, in my old age, I have grown to detest anything that doesn't smell like laundry detergent. I hate floral scents and fruity stuff. It just makes me think of bees, seriously. A guy I work with told me I always smell like fresh laundry and it makes him think of his mom's laundry room. I was like, "eh ok"; That's not really an insult but not really the compliment you want to hear. My friend Kendal had alcohol one night, (hahahaha) and leaned on me and told me I smelled like cotton. Does a woman want to smell like cotton? I think that's almost the least sexiest thing a woman can smell like, only after a puppy. The final straw was when I had onions in my lunch so I turned on my scentsy burner in my office and had two people call and ask why it smelled like laundry in the hallway. My body wash, perfume, shampoo, deodorant, lotion, and air freshener all had something to do with a breeze or a fabric. I am vowing to smell more like a woman and less like Timmy's mother in Lassie.


  1. so many things start out like that with the feeling of sweet love and ending with the feeling of paper cuts.
    your tuna mash bit made me laugh out loud. actually, i believe that i laughed out loud three different times in this post, including the line about a vagina-smelling mouth. classy.
    nicely written!
    i dvr bad girls club too. it's like the only one where no one is on a quest for self improvement or winning or anything else. just pure, unadulterated skanky behavior.

    1. That's why we like it. There's nothing to be nervous about or highs and lows, it's all just absolute catastrophe. Thanks for the love!

  2. There's nothing wrong with tuna and mayonnaise... Especially when you throw in some relish and out it on some toast - then it's a "tuna salad sandwich". Although, I will agree, it doesn't do your breath any favours. That's when your melty mint would come in handy.

    1. PUT it. Damnit. I'm sure the tuna doesn't need outing. (on toast or otherwise)

    2. I was wondering how you outed some tuna. I thought maybe that was some new verbiage I was out of the loop with! Mmmmm tuna sandwich.

  3. Well you come by a few of these things honestly. I LOVE those mints and detest the Sonic ones. Have been known to grab a handful from a bowl at any restaurant that might have those mints. Also, the tuna mash comes directly from your Dad - tonight he is having one of his favorite meals - tuna mash sandwiches dipped in cream of tomato soup. Not to be outdone - I love it with crackers and also as a toasted sandwich with LOTS of real butter!! I love the fresh laundry scent so will take some credit for that but absolutely the reality show and Wikiing is all yours! Hilarious!! I also laughed out loud!

    1. We're mint and water snobs! Tell Dad I'm jealous of his care-free tuna consuming.

  4. I love tuna with Miracle Whip (not mayo--I love the tangy zip of Miracle Whip). Add pickle relish, spread it on toast, top it with a slice of cheese and zap it for just a few seconds so the whole thing is warm and melty and I'm in a creepy, smelly, delicious heaven.

    And who doesn't love the smell of fresh laundry? Is there such a person? I've been known to draw towels fresh from the dryer to my face just to take in the wonderfulness.

    1. Me too. I was raised on Miracle Whip so I'm a super snob when it comes to normal mayonaisse. It's like, "people actually eat that?"

  5. OK, since you love these things, I feel compelled to see if I like them--I'm talking Bad Girls Club and Wikipedia...uh-oh! The mints may not be bad considering the stinky tuna (albacore only for this snob!)

    1. I would recommend Wikiing obscure places you know nothing about. That's my favorite. There's an island off Venezuela where it's basically guaranteed as a tourist you will either be pirated or murdered. So fun.

    2. You make me laugh so hard!

  6. I like all but reality TV. That bugs me.


  7. If I remember correctly, it was some Japanese lotus blossom shiz you got from Bath and Body Works. Totally smelled like laundry. And don't laugh at my alcohol consumption. Actually, it IS kinda funny.

    Also, I just found a Sonic mint in my purse and they changed them to the melty ones. What what!!

    1. Are you sure on the sonic mint? I may need proof.

      And it was sea island cotton. I remember being so sad that it actually smelled like cotton.

  8. Fab list!! :) I'm right there with you on #5. I know exactly the kind of mints you are referring to on #1 because I have the same preference in mints. :) #2, well, I just eat it anyway. Thanks for sharing!!

  9. Made me laugh, like, 17 times. In a post of 5 things, that's impressive.

    Write more. Do less laundry. (ooh, a t-shirt slogan?)

    ps--and Mary, GAHHHH!!! get rid of captcha (that friggin word verification thing that sucks away the will to live)! this link on the clay baboons lady walks you thru it:

    1. If I don't have captchas then I get excited about comments that end up being penis enlargement ponzi schemes and they hurt my heart.

  10. Great list! too bad there isn't a fresh laundry scent strong enough to cover stinky tuna ~

    1. Like a fresh laundry melty mint? I feel like you're on to something.

  11. Our most popular selling scent (not from Scentsy but works in their pot): Vanilla Grapefruit

    Yes, thanks for "wikiing", we need more words in our language with two i's in a row, but in this case it actually makes two e sounds, cool. I have been noticing them popping up in my Japanese studies.

    1. Like, Hawaii. I watched "The Descendants" the other night, which takes places in Hawaii. I love the way they pronounce it!

  12. I bet the horse loved the shit outta those mints. It's like a sugar cube on crack!

  13. I love miracle whip too. It can make anything taste good!! My son loves dipping his fingers in the miracle whip jar for a taste. It is so annoying, but he LOVES the stuff. Great post!!


  14. Cute list :) and fully relate to the tuna thing!

  15. I must say that I love tuna as well as the smell of laundry detergent.

    Dare I admit that I love the smell of gasoline?

  16. Bad Girls club baffles me. My little cousin records it on my DVR. When she visits, I am 'forced' to watch it.

  17. Your tuna story is oh-so-true and thank God you know it- some people need to be told the truth, but you've got a grip.

    It reminded me of what happened at my house the other night:

    My 11 year old daughter decided to take a little bag of Doritos to bed with her, which I found shocking, but I decided not to butt heads with her on this one.

    I stayed cool, but what I did do, was tell her, "You're going to have to brush your teeth as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning," and she then had to know why, to which I said to her, "Because, Darlin', Doritos are the Official Food Of Bad Breath and people will be able to smell your breath all over the neighborhood in the morning."

    Her eyes got big and serious and I secretly said to myself, "Way to go, Mom- she is so not going to be taking any more Doritos to bed with her."

  18. Cracked me up! Okay, not a fan of tuna, but I will eat peanut butter straight from the jar, and that doesn't leave the freshest breath, either.

    Thanks for a fun read.

  19. Sonic has soft "melty" mints now... made by the same company that makes King Leo Mints.

    My public service announcement quota has now been filled!

    1. Thanx! Just found out about these mints from Sonic's and have been looking all over (the web) for them.
