Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2 of 3....Crazytown!
(read yesterday's blog to catch up!)

       She was physically and mentally tortured for 4 years after meeting Toby Keith and his band at a Christmas party in 2002. She believes that Toby Keith paid George Bush's attorneys 2 million dollars to start a "suicide game" on her. Which means they attack her friends and family and get them to not love her anymore, take her money, try to make her heterosexual (she is bisexual) (damn you Daria!), and in the end hope that she commits suicide. When her life went downhill in 2002, this is the best explanation she could come up with to as why.

There is a second group of people whom "Toby Keith" "planted" to pretend like they were there for her when everyone else dumped her. They were also part of the "suicide game". (Okay, I have to stop with the quotations.....this whole paragraph should be a quotation because it's so ridiculous). When they turned on her she had no one else. So she had to pick up where she left off, pretend to sue a whole bunch of people, including her parents, brother and sister, lover (Daria?), Toby Keith, and George Bush, to repair what had happened to her both personally and professionally. When I ask her what happened to her professionally she told me that she wanted to be a singer, but Toby Keith made sure it wouldn't happen because he hated her. When I ask her why Toby Keith would want her to kill herself she said "This kind of stuff happens everyday, you have no idea. It's just a big game. People have too much time and money on their hands, so this is what they do for fun."

On her way out she says to me, "Now you know. If I come in here and don't remember anything or I am in a wheelchair, it's them. They got to me. It's your duty to let the truth be heard."

I am thinking, what truth? What the hell are you talking about? She talked in sentence fragments 82% of the time and her letter to our President made no sense. I make some joke about hoping that nobody comes after me, because everybody loves me. She doesn't laugh. I'm used to people not laughing when I make jokes about how amazing I am and this was no exception. I wanted to hug her, arrest her, and ask her to move in with me at the same time. I searched for her on Facebook this morning, by her real name, and she has 3 friends. Bless her lil heart. I guess the suicide game halfway worked.

Oh, oh, oh....The way that George Bush made her life available to his silly little games (obviously after him and Toby Keith had a friendly Friday barbecue and agreed on the price. Which she always referred to as 2M. I had to ask what that meant and she would say two.million.dollars.) by enlisting her in a volunteer-branch (betcha didn't know that existed, huh?) of the CIA. I asked how he contacted her to ask to her volunteer, and she said by mail. She had a copy of it. I couldn't even get through it. It was one giant paragraph with absolutely no punctuation. It was as though GW's enthusiasm and desperation for having her in his secret no-pay branch of the CIA was so overwhelming that he could NOT be bothered to use silly periods. Or letterhead. Or signatures.

My boss dropped some papers off at my desk, including the transmittal notice from my faxes from earlier. They were sent back "Number not known".


Read more tomorrow....she came back a few days later!

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