Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thinking it through.

I'm the opposite of obsessive-compulsive. I like to call it "careless impulsive". Or in layman's terms:

Not thinking shit through.

I get these ideas, opinions, and cuss words in my head that don't make any kind of logical sense but they make my brain feel like it's on a bender with Santa Claus and marshmallow fluff.

I always shop at Super Target because almost everyone there smells good and doesn't make eye contact. I prefer people with hygiene and snobbery over the friendly non-judgmental faces of Wal-Mart.

Kendal suggested I do my shopping at Buy for Less since it's in the ghetto and it would make us feel good about ourselves. One of my favorite Adrian quotes, "I don't know why they call that place Buy for Less...My Nana spent 300 dollars there." (He wits the shit out of himself for only being 7!)

Walking around Buy for Less is like making out with your wallet while doing the macarena. Their stuff is so ethnic and weird that it immediately made me feel awesome about my culture knowledge and decide to be a chef for the week.

"Kendal, hand me some of those cactus leaves"

"What are you gonna do with them?"

"I don't know, boil them with those little onions that look like knobby penises"

"They're spiky, so why don't you pass on that"

I didn't buy the cactus leaves but that's no hyperbole! They had cactus leaves right beside all their Mehicana spices and roots.

That's when I saw the chamomile. It's actually called manzanilla for those of you who only speak one lame language.

I knew manzanilla was chamomile because I read it on the back of Ellis's baby bathsoap and thought it would be a good name for my band. That I still plan on having someday so don't steal that name.

"Hey, did you hear Manzanilla is selling out the Ford Center? We should totes get tickets because she's hot"

"I'm in, Bro, she's so calming and relaxing and makes me want to fall into a stressless sleep"

Husband loves to use Ellis's babybath whenever he is having a sore neck day, because it so calming and relaxing just like my band.

I decided to buy him some and murder my quest to be a decent wife.

"Here's some homemade soup, some sex, AND a motherfucking chamomile bath!"

When I get home and show him the cluster of peace that cost 99 cents, he looked at me like I had a Disney character growing out of my face.

"What do you do with it?"

"I make you a bath and then you love me a compliment me"

"Wait, the whole weed? You just throw it in the bathtub?"

"It's not a WEED, Mat. It's gonna make you feel like you're 20 again. And it smells like a field of sleeping babies"

He kind of glances at with a look of "meh" and goes to finish his "awesome year of recruitment" on the nintendo. (I call everything a nintendo)

I decide I will use it myself and ramp up my wifeness with some super soft skin, a calm disposition, and a freshy scent.

It's a bundle.. costs $0.99....wrapped in plastic.

I pictured drawing myself a hot bath and raking my long (short) blond (ish) hair into a bun (nub) and sliding my tennis player-esque figure into the steaming water and opening the contents of the cheap plastic bag into the mix. It would float around in its bulk, making a big bathtub of Mary-tea. Once the chammy (that's what I call it since we're close) had seeped to its full potential I would ring out one last bit of its medicinal naturalness and then put it in the plastic bag I had laid beside the tub.

It ended up more looking like I had had a one night stand with a hayride. It definitely didn't stay in its bunch and I tried to fake it like it felt good....but the truth is that I smelled nothing and my skin was itchy and I had pretty much destroyed any possession that the chamomile had touched.

Husband came in, unfortunately, and got a look on his face like he wished he'd married his ex, who loves Jesus and doesn't put weeds in the bathtub jets.

I assured him I would clean it up, hoping he would offer to do the job instead...since he's slightly OCD and starts googling divorce lawyers when I forget to use a dirty-spoon-holder-thing.

No such luck. He said I smelled good and I assured him my skin was soft as a slinky and told him he would be able to enjoy that whenever I finished cleaning and came to bed in upwards of 4 hours.

Then we bickered about my not using enough paper towels...and then we quarrelled about me not letting all the dead flowers and weeds go into the drain....then we had a tussle about my not cleaning up my cleaning supplies very well.

Worst. Bath. Ever.

I managed to fall asleep after my bath but woke up an hour later because my throat was closing up and I was dying. I got up and coughed it out like a champ...I tried to scratch the itch in my throat by chewing exorbitant amounts of gum and Nilla wafers. I ended up after a few hours of being really unhealthy and lame, taking a total of 3 benadryl.

It makes sense. I have horrible horrible allergies and soaked in a concoction of hay and flowers for an hour. Today I feel like I'm swallowing fingernails and I still had to sling those loans like it was paying the bills.

Loofa.... 2009-December 2011

After all this turmoil and disease...I realized the whole time I was thinking about lavender.

 You're supposed to drink chamomille.


  1. Oh Mary, you so silly.
    I like how all your good intentions went gradually awry.
    Do you always toss plants willy-nilly into your bath?

  2. Those are some fancy toes. I am only commenting because you said I had to or you would cry or something.

  3. Again, funny and creative, although I do want to clarify that I am not the Nana that spent $300 and the next time you wake up and your throat is swollen do not wait to take a benadryl!!! That is from the nurse-Nana!! You always have the best intentions - I also like the name of your future band!

  4. At least you got home with the right deodorant. And without a $14.99 mauve suede jacket.

  5. I depend on very warm very pure rain for my strain and pain relief. Weeds in my water? Hadn't really thought of doing that.

  6. i giggled my whole way through this post! i'm glad you coughed it up like a champ. it was probably some weed shrapnel you inhaled while fighting the hubby over proper weed removal technique. he should have just cleaned the tub for you himself, it would have saved time, you wouldn't have been extra frustrated and you might have put out in appreciation. winning for everyone!

  7. I feel your pain. I grew some lemon grass once and the only thing I could think of was a bath to use up all that weedy shit. Our experiences were similar.

    Cleaning the tub was the worst.

    I dug that stuff up and never regretted it.

    Never had toes that cute in a long while, that makes me madder.

  8. OMG, you're back! The Mary of Greatness that we all know and love, the one that makes me laugh so hard at 5 AM that I know I am going to wake up the kids-- she's back!!!!!!!!! Yay! Yay, Mary, yay us for getting to read "Classic" Mary! More! More!

    So glad that you are off your NaBloMoSoThrowUp month of writing, and come back to your adoring fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And by the way, I will totally send you my new book for free Mary if you are able to put your email so I can contact you (I sent it to a few of my fellow mom blogger followers, but could not figure out how in hell to contact you, so I prayed about it not really and I googled you and it turns out a lot of race horse are name Marigold).


  9. You really deserve your own t.v. show. You put Lucy to shame.

  10. gweenbrick- I wish I wasn't so sily. It's the first time I've tried plants..and probably the last.

    jrose- thank you? That makes my soul hurt.

    Mom- I didn't want to be a zombie at work yesterday. Which I was. I forgot how to leave my office.

    Kelly- I know- I bet smoking it would have been an interesting adventure in fun instead of sneezing and dying.

    ESboston- You should stick with the rain and being a good person.

    Sheri- It was shrapnel. The kids wanted to take a bath in there last night and there were still sticks floating out of the jets. I told Adrian to suck it up and be a man.

    fmc- No manicurists in china? That seems ironic...

    MOV- My email is sharkymary@gmail- you clearly ain't reading my blog all the time or you'd know that! I got your book and read it the last few days, it's great! however, it's horrible for stalking. No personal information whatsoever. Not even an email address...? I'm mad at you.

    marianne- I always have some splaining to do.

  11. This is hilarious and it wasn't until the very end that I realized you DRINK chamomile! I was thinking the same way you were! You probably saved me from making the EXACT same mistake in the future (minus the husband because I'm clearly lacking in that department).

  12. I see - breathing is over-rated compared to feeling like a zombie at work. Without early benadryl you may have just been a zombie (one of the dead ones :)!!
